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Sound structure, great temperament
Ch. Melockoff Krasavitsa Ivanovna
Iva 9 weeks old at Melockoff kennel
Iva was originally called Macy, but since she is a daughter of Entwood Iva Grozny, I named her after her father, Ivanovna.
Picking up Iva at Melockoff kennel
We drove all the way to Melockoff kennel OH, from NC and left right after we picked her up. that was a hard drive. Mr. Takemura helped me for the driving.
Iva and puppies.
Iva 9 weeks old at Melockoff kennel
Iva was originally called Macy, but since she is a daughter of Entwood Iva Grozny, I named her after her father, Ivanovna.
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